
Scritto il 14/02/2017
da GrowApp S.r.l.

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Opening hours effective March 31, 2019:
Monday: closing day
from Tuesday to Sunday: 9.30 13.30 / 14.30 - 17.00.
Stay inside is allowed no later than 5.45 pm.
The Castle is also open at the same times also for the holidays of:
- 21 and 22 April (Easter holidays);
- 25 April;
- May 1.

Entrance fees for Donnafugata Castle
Castle + Park
full ticket: € 6.00
reduced ticket: € 3.00
We inform you that it is possible to pay the entrance ticket, also, through the POS service using an ATM card.

Reduced ticket:
A 50% reduction of the ticket price is foreseen for visitors aged between 6 and 18 and over 65, for students aged 18 to 26, for visitors who present the ticket at the cash desk public scheduled transport by bus, train or taxi and for visitors who participate in conference tourism in the municipal area. Groups of 20 people are entitled to 4 free tickets, while school groups will pay a reduced ticket of € 2.

Free ticket:
Admission will be free for children up to 6 years, for disabled people with a guide, for tourist guides, tour operators and for visitors motivated by research and study reasons.